Dr. Daniel Mayer Portrait

Dr. Daniel Mayer

Board Certified Allergist

Dr. Mayer is board certified in allergy and clinical immunology. He is an allergy and asthma specialist, with many years of expertise in diagnosing and treating all aspects of our specialty, including nasal, lung, skin and especially food allergies. Dr. Mayer’s career has included over 30 years of clinical practice in Smithtown, New York and medical school teaching positions.


Dr. Mayer has enjoyed a prolific and varied medical career, including many years of clinical allergy practice as well as medical school teaching responsibilities and medical organization leadership. He is the past president of the Suffolk County Medical Society, Long Island Allergy and Asthma Society, New York State Society of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology and the American Lung Association.

Dr. Mayer has been awarded ”Top Doctor” designation for the past 15 years on Long Island and New York Metropolitan Regions.

Dr. Mayer and Dr. Shah are long standing colleagues and have shared mutual respect for each other’s professionalism and clinical judgement and decided to work together to help a larger number of patients. With Dr. Daniel Mayer’s knowledge, skills, experience and leadership, we hope to continue providing excellent and effective allergy and asthma care to you and your family.



Young boy smiling after completing the Oral Food Challenge
Man completing the Oral Food Challenge

Ready to take control of your food allergies? Let our premier allergists guide you. Book your appointment today and start your journey to wellness together!


Assorted nuts & almond milk
White Marble